Life is for Living – Lessons from the road!

Having travelled for the better part of May, it’s time to get back to writing!  I’ve had plenty of time to think on planes, in cabs, in bars, and walking the streets of different cities.   I’ve done many things I can’t write about in a family publication, but I do seek to gain knowledge and understanding when exposed to the world!  

Here are a few things learned on my travels:

1.  Family is #1.  I knew this long before the trip, but having travelled with my brother for 3+ weeks you realize just how important that connection is.  And travelling is a pretty awesome way to strengthen that bond.  Try it.

2.  Get uncomfortable.  I’ll say it again, sometimes you just need to cast away the fears and go for it.  I would not have skydived if not for my brother’s interest.  And he too isn’t exactly a fan of heights, but figured, “hey, we’re here…we need to do this!”  I admire that.  And it was worth it.  Would I do it again?  Probably not.  But it’s a good feeling doing something you thought you weren’t capable of.  Builds confidence.

3.  The world is full of good people.  I always tie this back to how mass media makes us jaded.  The world as I see it is an amazing place.  And no matter where you go, there are good, decent people.  Not everyone, but the majority.  If you watch CNN everyday all you ever see is the sensational, salacious, horrible stories of the day.  Guard your mind as it affects your attitude.  And attitude is everything.

4.  Be grateful.  There are many people who would love to switch places with you.  Stop complaining.

5.  Reflect.  Having long haul flights/trains, etc forces us into reflection.   We often don’t allow ourselves the time to do it yet it’s so important.  I can honestly say after this trip I really know what I want out of life.  And perhaps equally as important, what I don’t want.  That’s a great feeling.  Sometimes you gotta get tough with yourself.

I will never forget seeing the following epitaph on a headstone in Queenstown, NZ.  That person understood, and it sums up my thoughts perfectly.

“Life is for living”



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1 Response to Life is for Living – Lessons from the road!

  1. Eileen says:

    Ian, you are an amazing nephew! Aunt Eileen

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