Final Blog Post

Hi all,

Update!  This will be my final blog post in the current format.  I’d like to thank everyone for reading and following over the last several years as I’ve really enjoyed writing it.  I started it as a place to selfishly capture my own thoughts and it somehow took on a life of it’s own.  Your feedback along the way was appreciated and that’s what drives me to keep delivering high quality content.  And I’m not done yet…just getting warmed up!  I’m working on something BIG for 2014 and excited to share it with you.  It’ll be worth the wait…

Until then I’m going MIA for a few months to continue building fresh content that helps push you to new heights.

To your continued success,


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Just Get Started!

Hello from Oslo! 

I arrived this morning and enjoyed a lazy Sunday exploring the downtown core and taking pictures of the Royal Palace (and awesome random graffiti).  As I write from this pleasant city tonight, I am going to share with you a simple tip to start September on a strong note and help you finish out the last four months of 2013 with a bang!

Taking a 17hr ferry last night from Copenhagen to Oslo, I realized one thing the minute I walked into my cabin.  This is all I really need.  Yes, it was tiny and cramped and not the Four Seasons – but it’s all I needed, and I liked it.  Most of us live pretty darn well – we have all the basics covered.  And still complain about bullshit that noboby wants to hear.  Excuse after excuse about why we can’t do something.  Stop doing that.  It’s annoying. 

Now onto the goods.  When I began to embark on a new venture in early 2013 I found myself overthinking everything.  Every obstacle, cost, question.  You name it, I found a way to overanalyze and stop myself dead in my tracks.

So here’s the tip to kickstart September and the last quarter of 2013:


You have what you need right now to succeed.  Don’t have the info?  Read a book.  Don’t have a mentor?  Ask someone.  Don’t have the skill?  Practice, practice, practice.   The funny thing about us humans is that we are the only creatures with the luxury of CHOICE.  You are not going to die if you don’t read that book…and so you procrastinate until it’s been so long that you completely give up.

JUST GET STARTED.  When you don’t think about it and just pick up that book/dumbell/project something happens.  You realize that you have the power.  Trying to lose weight this fall?  Just start walking…just grab your gear and hit the gym.  Challenged at work?  Don’t avoid it, tackle it head on.  Start the process and the solution will come.  Small steps add up.  Allowing ourselves to be stuck at a mental roadblock is no one else’s fault but our own.

The magic is in forging on.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”   Mark Twain

What are you going to do differently this September?


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Interested or Committed?

I just finished listening to a webinar with Darren Hardy, Editor of SUCCESS magazine and someone I’ve been following since 2007.    2013 has been a great year so far but like a lot of us I know haven’t achieved as much as I set out to do on January 1st.  Why is that?

It leads me to the purpose of this post.  If you are serious about fulfilling your potential (whatever that may be – better leader, better parent, better spouse, etc) you need to ask yourself one simple question:

“Are you interested or committed?”

It’s great to be motivated, stay positive, and maintain the right attitude.  All key ingredients to living a great life.  But if you haven’t moved from interest to commitment nothing will change.  Something has to give.   For me I came out of the gate strong early in the year but fell prey to being distracted.  I’ve made steady forward progress for sure, but not nearly what I set out to do by July.

So tonight I pressed the reset button.  I listened to Darren’s call and realized that I let myself get distracted from all the attention seeking vehicles around us.  Never before in history have we been so bombarded with things that grab our attention.  It’s really easy to get off track.  And even easier to not notice it!

So I upped the ante.  I put my money where my mouth is and committed to a one-day workshop to work with Darren and implement his strategies for success.  I pride myself on continual learning and how to achieve my peak potential everyday.  And share that knowledge with others.

So here’s my public pledge to a strong second half finish in 2013.  Huge plans are in the works and I look forward to sharing with all of you as I bring them to life!

What are your goals right now?  Are you just interested or committed?  Make the decision.


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First off, Happy Independence Day to my American family and friends!

Now let’s get to an important topic for all of us – vulnerability.  This one is always tricky because most of us never want to admit what we don’t know, or be 100% honest about how we feel for another person.  Usually it stems from not wanting to be embarrassed at work, or be rejected by someone we care about.  It’s a lot easier sometimes to pull the “fake it til you make it” card or put up walls to keep another person out.

And while there is short term mileage in that approach, it won’t keep you moving down the highway of life.  At least not in the right direction.  I’ve learned some tough lessons myself and gained a lot from watching others willing to put it all out there.  Here’s what I’ve taken from those experiences:

1.  Being open builds connectivity.  Of all the leaders I’ve worked with, the ones who stick out in my mind as worthy of the title are those who live openly.  I admire anyone (from the mailroom to the boardroom) who can straight up admit what they don’t know, own their own mistakes, or apologize when needed.  It comforts and connects people around you.  We’re all human.  Build that connection when it’s your turn.

2.  Foolish fear stifles performance.  I was once in a role where I was so pumped about excelling that I failed to recognize my weaknesses.  I was afraid of looking bad to be perfectly honest.  And therefore didn’t ask for instruction or help when I should have.  I forged on when I should have stopped.  That lead to a whole host of communication issues with my superior and ultimately led to me leaving.  The point is this:  be upfront and honest instead of fearful and afraid.  Saves everyone time and effort in the end.

3.  A clear mind is a healthy mind.  Trying to be someone else or covering your tracks at every turn is a tiring and stressful process.  Being transparent allows people to see exactly who they are getting, and more importantly, allows you to sleep well at night.  Cutting out all that nonsense leaves your brain primed for success.

4.  Love trumps all.  What else can be said?  In my mind if  you feel a connection to someone they should know about it.  Far better to take the risk and live your truth than to hold back.  Surely there are many people who have left this earth unexpectedly without that opportunity.  Live openly, love openly.


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Life is for Living – Lessons from the road!

Having travelled for the better part of May, it’s time to get back to writing!  I’ve had plenty of time to think on planes, in cabs, in bars, and walking the streets of different cities.   I’ve done many things I can’t write about in a family publication, but I do seek to gain knowledge and understanding when exposed to the world!  

Here are a few things learned on my travels:

1.  Family is #1.  I knew this long before the trip, but having travelled with my brother for 3+ weeks you realize just how important that connection is.  And travelling is a pretty awesome way to strengthen that bond.  Try it.

2.  Get uncomfortable.  I’ll say it again, sometimes you just need to cast away the fears and go for it.  I would not have skydived if not for my brother’s interest.  And he too isn’t exactly a fan of heights, but figured, “hey, we’re here…we need to do this!”  I admire that.  And it was worth it.  Would I do it again?  Probably not.  But it’s a good feeling doing something you thought you weren’t capable of.  Builds confidence.

3.  The world is full of good people.  I always tie this back to how mass media makes us jaded.  The world as I see it is an amazing place.  And no matter where you go, there are good, decent people.  Not everyone, but the majority.  If you watch CNN everyday all you ever see is the sensational, salacious, horrible stories of the day.  Guard your mind as it affects your attitude.  And attitude is everything.

4.  Be grateful.  There are many people who would love to switch places with you.  Stop complaining.

5.  Reflect.  Having long haul flights/trains, etc forces us into reflection.   We often don’t allow ourselves the time to do it yet it’s so important.  I can honestly say after this trip I really know what I want out of life.  And perhaps equally as important, what I don’t want.  That’s a great feeling.  Sometimes you gotta get tough with yourself.

I will never forget seeing the following epitaph on a headstone in Queenstown, NZ.  That person understood, and it sums up my thoughts perfectly.

“Life is for living”



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Perspective – a lesson for everyone

Why are you doing what you are doing?  How often have you taken stock of yourself and asked that question?

I had a great conversation last night with a friend of mine who shared some impactful insights.  He’s a young, hardworking guy – has been an entrepreneur for over a decade and he’s not yet 30.  Hits all of society’s metrics of success.  He explained to me he is making some drastic changes to how he lives his life.  He’s no longer focused on acquiring more property, starting more businesses, making more money.  What’s the real difference between $1 million and $5 million after all?  He wants to enjoy life and the freedom that working for himself provides.  Not grinding himself towards an early grave.

He recently lost a loved one and that was the wake up call.  And there are many of us who could learn from his lesson without having to live it ourselves.  I also just witnessed a successful VP quit his job outright because he couldn’t recognize the man in the mirror and his kids noticed the difference in their father.

So before you venture down that road, think about WHY you are doing what you are doing?  Does it make sense??  Is it because you’re chasing dollars and not your passion?  Maybe you’re following what your parents instructed, or what your spouse recommends?  Stop the insanity and think about it.  Take stock of yourself and gain perspective.

Life is short, it is to be enjoyed.  Enjoy it.  Now.


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Dress for Success

We’ve all heard the term, “dress for success” but what does that really mean?  Buy  expensive clothing?  Pay attention to detail?  Know how to match colors??

Short answer:  it’s a little of  everything.  Far too many people undervalue the impact that clothing can have on success in the workplace (and in life).  “But wait!  No one should judge a book by it’s cover.  I do my job well.  That should be enough.”  Perhaps.  But to that I say, “get over yourself.”  Truth of the matter is – it matters.

Now obviously dressing well varies drastically across professions.  Lawyers won’t dress the same as mechanics.  Bankers won’t dress the same as nurses, etc.  However the principles apply across the board.  I like to apply what I call the 3 C’s:

Competence – if you aren’t good at what you do, no amount of polish will cover that up.  So let’s get that straight first.  Be good at what you do.  Now think of two colleagues in your workplace.  All else being equal, one of them wears well tailored clothing while the other wears ill-fitting pants and shirts and worn out shoes.  Who’s a better candidate for that next promotion in the eyes of company leaders???  Dress the part.  It amplifies your talent.

Confidence – when I’m  wearing an Eton shirt and tailored pants and jacket, I feel like a million bucks.  When you look good, you feel good.  And when you feel good, you bring your A game.  This comes from someone who still has his federal gov’t ID card from 7 years ago – complete with waffle shirt and hemp necklace.  Invest a little extra this year in some nice pieces and feel the difference.

Content – fashion not your thing?  Doesn’t have to be – just find someone you trust and seek their input.  I purchase a few GQ magazines throughout the year to keep current.  Moreso I rely on the owner of a store I frequent (shout out to Theodore 1922 on Bloor West!).  It only takes a few minutes to pick up a magazine or ask a friend.   Create your style and go with it.

So if you haven’t taken the next step with your office wardrobe, now’s the time.  Because if you don’t, someone else will!


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Being Selfish is a Good Thing

Being selfish has always had, for the most part, a negative connotation.  No one likes dealing with someone who’s completely self-absorbed.  That part I agree with.  However I believe that being selfish can be a good thing.  And here’s why:

1.  You stay aligned to your priorities.  Ever had a day at the office when you were really busy but never accomplished anything?  None of your A list to-do’s got any attention??  Instead you were taken off track by someone needing help, a fire that needed to be put out, or a host of other low priority tasks.  I’ve been there more than I care to recall.  Sometimes it’s unavoidable.  But the majority of the time it lies with you. You have to commit to protecting your own time.  SAY NO!  Stay committed to the priorities.

2.  You are happier.  When I finish a day and complete the things most important to me, I’m happier than having  deadlines hanging over my head for another day.  It’s not always going to be perfect, but carving out time and getting it done makes me happy.  And that’s worth it.

3.  Those around you are happier.  Ever notice that person who is always bending over backwards for everyone?  Eventually they will come to resent those they are always helping as it takes away any time for themselves.  When a plane encounters an emergency situation, the safety video doesn’t say, “reach over and adjust your child’s mask first.  Then your ailse mate’s.  Adjust your own mask last if you have time.”  Take care of yourself first and you’ll be happier…and those around you will benefit in the long run.

Try a selfish week and see how it goes..


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Get Inspired

When it comes to travelling, I’m always amazed at where you can be in such a short period of time.  Wake up in London, go to sleep in Toronto.  Taking time to travel is one of the best ways to get inspired.  And it doesn’t have to be flying around the world either.  A simple camping trip or long Sunday drive can clear your mind and allow for the moments of creativity or inspiration to arrive.

I was in London, England a few days ago and found myself very much in awe of the city.  It was my first time there and walking among so much history always gives me inspiration.  Not sure why or exactly how, just that putting myself in those situations always elevates my thinking.  Perhaps its a combination of wonder and excitement.  But I came away renewed in my goals and knowing that much more is possible.

I would recommend the following:

Plan multiple trips for 2013.  Again, doesn’t have to be luxurious.  Just go somewhere (anywhere!) that excites you – put yourself in an environment that pushes your thinking beyond the status quo.  You never have those lightbulb moments grinding away at your desk.

Get moving.  Get inspired.


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Take a Chance

This week’s topic is all about taking chances.  I read a quote yesterday that really resonated with me and I had to build this week’s post around it.  Sometimes you just have to take the plunge.  Leap and the net will appear as they say.  You can talk about opportunity until you are blue in the face,  or you can rise to the occasion and make it happen.  You’re in or you’re out.  Fear of the unknown is usually far worse than the reality.  It drives me crazy when I hear the excuses that people use to talk themselves out of progress.

“What kind of person would live where there is no daring? I don’t believe in taking foolish chances, but nothing can be accomplished without taking any chance at all.”  

Charles Lindbergh (1902 – 1974)

A perfect example.  A real estate investor friend of mine had a recent conversation with one of his family members.  The relative said he bought a house 10 years ago that had almost tripled in value.  Nothing wrong there!  He proceeded to tell my friend that he was nervous the market was in a bubble so he held off buying anything since 2003.  There’s your problem.  When asked what led to that decision the man said he listened to the news, advice of family members, and other friends who all thought the market was too risky.  He wants to invest again now, but guess what?  Yep…apparently it’s still too risky!

The lesson?   Perform your due diligence and then ACT accordingly.   Like Lindbergh wisely indicated, don’t take foolish chances.  But take a chance.  Had this man searched out the right information and put the right minds around him, he would have built a substantial net worth in the last decade.  While he fretted about, my investor friend stuck to his well researched plan, and put several million in the bank.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”  

Mark Twain

Be smart.  Create a sound plan.  Take a chance.


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