Get Inspired

When it comes to travelling, I’m always amazed at where you can be in such a short period of time.  Wake up in London, go to sleep in Toronto.  Taking time to travel is one of the best ways to get inspired.  And it doesn’t have to be flying around the world either.  A simple camping trip or long Sunday drive can clear your mind and allow for the moments of creativity or inspiration to arrive.

I was in London, England a few days ago and found myself very much in awe of the city.  It was my first time there and walking among so much history always gives me inspiration.  Not sure why or exactly how, just that putting myself in those situations always elevates my thinking.  Perhaps its a combination of wonder and excitement.  But I came away renewed in my goals and knowing that much more is possible.

I would recommend the following:

Plan multiple trips for 2013.  Again, doesn’t have to be luxurious.  Just go somewhere (anywhere!) that excites you – put yourself in an environment that pushes your thinking beyond the status quo.  You never have those lightbulb moments grinding away at your desk.

Get moving.  Get inspired.


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